The hip bone is also called pelvic bone. It is not a single bone. The bone has left and right parts. The Left and right part of the hip bone is joined to the central bone part with the help of the sacroiliac joint or si joint.
How To Sit With sacroiliac joint Pain And Is It Curable?
Thus human bodies have two si joints, one on the left and the other on the right part of the hip. Pain in the hip and lower back can be felt due to several reasons. Pain in the si joint can radiate around the pelvis region of the body.
Doctors may perform an X-ray or pelvic bone imaging to ascertain the cause of lower back pain. If the issue is detected in the si joint then suitable medical remedies are suggested by bone doctors. Once the si joint recovers the pain also dies down over time.
What can cause sacroiliac joint pain?
The sacroiliac joint can cause pain due to problems in the joint bone as well as the ligaments and tissues that make up the joint. Sometimes the problem can be complex involving the bone as well as the muscles and tissues simultaneously.
Si joint pain can also occur due to motor control issues and improper alignment of the pelvis bone. Doctors use several scientific diagnostic methods and tools to exactly identify the cause of si joint pain.
These methods have been established by pain societies and most often are successful in narrowing down the causes of si joint pain. Focused treatment to cure si joint pain issues can be rendered once exact causes of pain have been identified.
Treatment for sacroiliac joint pain
Sacroiliac joint pain is treated with medicines, physical therapy, sacroiliac joint injections, and a sacroiliac joint belt. For complex si joint problems treatments like radiofrequency neurotomy, a minimally invasive fusion of si joint, and open fusion of si joint can be adopted.
Sacroiliac joint issues due to misalignment can be corrected using Mulligan techniques of anterior and posterior innominate extension in lying position, standing anterior innominate flexion, and standing posterior innominate side bending.
Muscle energy techniques are also applied to correct pelvic bone and joints symmetry issues.
Patients diagnosed with si issues often report pain in the lower back region. The pain gets worse while trying to sit or stand up.
While the si joint is an under-recovery process, the following measures can be adopted to exert the sacroiliac joints as little as possible:
Avoid changing posture too much
If you are recovering from si joint problem or any other pelvis bone issue you can move with the help of a self-operated wheelchair. Make sure the wheelchair has comfortable seating support that eases the pelvic reason stress.
You may require getting up as sitting for too long can hamper blood circulation in the lower body region. Follow doctor’s advice on how long to stand and walk in si joint pain condition. The doctor may also prescribe certain exercises and physiotherapy processes for faster recuperation of the si joint.
Use a walking aid
If you are recovering from any kind of pelvis bone problem you would do well to keep a walking aid handy near you. Use the walking aid to get up or sit down. You may use a walking stick or all surround walking aid for all-around even support around your hips.
Whenever you need to get up or lower down avoid exerting uneven one-sided stress. Change posture slowly and pan out the stress evenly all around the pelvis.
Wear hip support or si joint belt
Hip supports are available at all leading medical dispensaries. Hip supports are made of strong, stretchable elastic materials that can be strapped around the hips.
Hip support takes away much stress from the joint ligaments and tissues enabling quicker healing of joints. Even while wearing hip support use of walking aid is still required for lowering the body from a sitting position, for raising the body to a standing posture, or while walking.
Use a strong and comfortable backrest
Whether you are relaxing on the sofa or bed, make sure the mattress lends good support to your hips. If you seat yourself on a sofa or chair, the seater should have strong lower back support.
To sit comfortably on a sofa or chair you can make use of back cushions to ease pressure from your pelvis region.
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