Homeopathy is an alternative, natural mode of treatment used for a variety of medical conditions. It is usually considered a complementary form of medicine.
Homeopathic Remedy For Treating Anxiety
Homeopathy can be successfully used to treat anxiety. The common medications used are lycopodium, pulsatilla, aconite, and few others.
To assess the efficiency of homeopathic medicine against anxiety, a number of researches have taken place.
The use of homeopathic medicine is prevalent for more than two centuries with a popular belief that it works in treating anxiety.
However, given the probability of homeopathy being flawed, biased, or unscientific, it continues to remain an alternative approach outside mainstream medicine.
In the case of anxiety treatment, homeopathy has some proven merits, including the placebo effect, another advantage of homeopathic medicines is fewer to nil side effects compared to conventional medicines if administered properly.
How to define homeopathy.
Homeopathy came into being in the 18th century based on the principle of like cures. This means if something can cause an illness, it may even be able to cure that illness.
Homeopathic medicines are created by diluting particular substances with water, and few of such substances can have a certain level of toxicity. However, the more toxic substances are highly diluted before use.
They are diluted to such an extent that when studied under the microscope they are hard to detect.
Homeopathic remedies for anxiety.
For those suffering from anxiety and willing to try out homeopathic medicine despite the confusion, there are certain treatment options to explore.
These suggestions are mainly forwarded by the homeopathy industry and not by conventional doctors.
Aconite is prescribed by homeopathy medicine practitioners for treating sudden acute anxiety and fear.
Such reactions can be connected to past trauma and are characterized by dry mouth and skin coupled with a rapid heartbeat.
Argentum nitricum is prescribed to people who have anxiety caused by uncertainty. This can include, claustrophobia, fear of heights, or fear associated with everyday matters.
Such anxiety is characterized by diarrhea and a craving for sweets.
Arsenicum album is recommended for people suffering from anxiety caused by darkness, loneliness or not being perfect.
These people feel better about their anxiety by staying in control and criticizing others, and they can feel cold more often than others.
Lycopodium is recommended for people with low self-confidence. They have fear f public speaking and afraid of getting on stage, which they are able to conceal efficiently. These people are often observed talking too loudly or frequently in an effort to hide their fears.
Pulsatilla is good for treating anxiety like that of young children. These people usually need a lot of reassurance to cope with their fear and anxiety.
Probable side effects of using homeopathic treatment.
Homeopathic medicines used for treating anxiety and related disorders contain extremely low levels of the chemicals they are made up of.
The toxic substances, if any, in the composition of these homeopathic medicines are highly diluted for even be detected in any tests or studies.
However, it should be noted that homeopathic medicines are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA.
Some of the toxic substances contained in homeopathic medicines like aconite or arsenic can cause fatal side effects if they were not properly diluted, hence it is always advised to buy and use the products manufactured by reputed and reliable companies.
What researches say about the homeopathic treatments.
Homeopathy in general does not have a huge database of good research credentials, which extends to homeopathic treatment for anxiety as well.
The studies related to homeopathy are difficult to be carried out within the scope of general medicine.
The efficiency of homeopathic treatment, as and when noticed, is usually attributed to the placebo effect.
Although the placebo effect does not deny the presence of symptoms indicating any disease, it connects the recovery of the symptoms to the power of the mind over our body.
For mild anxiety and stress-related conditions, homeopathy may help in alleviating some of the symptoms and provide relief to the patient, but for severe cases of anxiety, homeopathy is not recommended by conventional doctors.
Warnings have been issued by the World Health Organization not to rely on homeopathic treatment for treating serious illnesses. A patient should only adhere to the suggestions of a doctor and homeopathy can be used as an infrequent complement to the mainstream treatment.
Lastly, it is good to note that although homeopathy has been used in the past to treat anxiety, owing to the mixed outcomes of the researches, they are not made a part of conventional treatment procedures.
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